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Read Post 3:44 PM on 06-Jun-2021
Read Post 3:03 PM on 06-Jun-2021
GG guys. :) Was a really fun comp. I did not at all expect to get 2nd on my first ever 90mc. Thank you for organizing 400 and thanks to the judges. :)
Read Post 3:00 PM on 06-Jun-2021
Congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone who helped to make this edition possible! :gold: 29090 by Clearvision :silver: 29085 by Gilli :bronze: 29080 by Enysado 1. Eudoxus, 45.0 pts 2. Left oof, 40.5 pts 3. Vultures, 39.0 pts...
Read Post 12:18 PM on 06-Jun-2021
Hey i wanna also say something to it and dont get me wrong pls Shyin. In second, I think the MTC staff should be replaced, at least a part of it and have at least 2 people to post the message and choose the theme. First of all a bit harsh but...
Read Post 11:54 AM on 06-Jun-2021
The thing that in my opinion is absolutely worry full is deleting critics instead of discussing it. In the thread of the April MTC some people did criticize the theme choice. But instead of discussing it, a lot of these posts were deleted. I agree...
Read Post 11:42 AM on 06-Jun-2021
The thing that in my opinion is absolutely worry full is deleting critics instead of discussing it. In the thread of the April MTC some people did criticize the theme choice. But instead of discussing it, a lot of these posts were deleted. https...
Read Post 11:31 AM on 06-Jun-2021
Hey Shyin, I have replied to your feedback in a new feedback thread for the MTC's.
Read Post 11:30 AM on 06-Jun-2021
This is a reply to a post by Shyin. Hey Shyin, thanks for your detailed feedback. We will make use of some of your points to make the MTC better in the future. I wanna touch on some of your points, though, so there's no misunderstandings. :P...
Read Post 11:03 AM on 06-Jun-2021
Dear community, I created this thread to collect ongoing feedback and discussion about the Monthly Track Contest in general. Post here... your feedback on the MTC discussion about the MTC your ideas for future MTC themes As always, kee...
Read Post 9:51 PM on 05-Jun-2021
Hello, To start with, my english isn't perfect and I'm aware that i'm making easy fault in my sentences, so excuse me for these one. I would like to speak about MTC and everything around it in this message, in case this message would be deleted...