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Read Post 11:34 AM on 27-May-2021
Read Post 3:58 PM on 26-May-2021
Oh sorry! I'm stupid, I thought that it was the 25th. That's not a big problem ;)
Read Post 7:32 AM on 26-May-2021
Deadline was Sunday 23th at midnight EST. I accepted the last submissions, mappack submissions are now closed thanks to everybody for the participation. Oh sorry! I'm stupid, I thought that it was the 25th.
Read Post 2:45 AM on 26-May-2021
 Danger Rae
Read Post 7:48 PM on 25-May-2021
Hey there, i have a legitemite run on the map Mistophoros ID 26725 which i am verry proud of even if its about 3h and 24mins behind wr which is 4:30min or so :-). Cant upload it because the replayfile gets rejected because of maximum file size. C...
Read Post 2:50 PM on 25-May-2021
Deadline was Sunday 23th at midnight EST. I accepted the last submissions, mappack submissions are now closed thanks to everybody for the participation.
Read Post 1:58 PM on 25-May-2021
Ah, I see. I'm just stupid xD
Read Post 12:59 PM on 25-May-2021
Played this one on map review this morning. Incredible for a first map! How to show the map picture btw? On my reply, I just posted the link xd You just have to select the little picture in the message edition (on the up right) after it you paste yo...
Read Post 12:52 PM on 25-May-2021
Played this one on map review this morning. Incredible for a first map! How to show the map picture btw? On my reply, I just posted the link xd
Read Post 11:28 AM on 25-May-2021
Hey! Here is the first map I ever made, hope that you will like it! 29595