Hey CvRk,
I can't really speak for the activity bit (I don't really have a comparison to what would be a "hype"). However I want to explain briefly why there's no replay upload yet:
We're waiting for Nadeo to finish up their OAuth & (Records) API. Without one of these things, we can't allow users to upload replays to this site, since we can't assure the replay uploader and driver are 100% the same person. We want to avoid that from the start.
That also keeps us from having Uplay login, a Dedimania-like WR table and running MXKarma.
For the replay upload we have an alternative solution ready, which is difficult to code in to say the least. I personally don't have the time in the next two weeks to implement it, so we're most likely waiting this one out and hope Nadeo has something for us at the end of the road.