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Read Post 8:52 AM on 24-Jun-2022
Good day, Could you please advise the exact timing for closing of the deadline? Is it 26/06 0000 UTC or 26/06 2359 UTC? Our map is ready and validated, but we are currently waiting with our submission for the thumbnail that is being created....
Read Post 1:41 AM on 24-Jun-2022
Read Post 2:35 PM on 23-Jun-2022
Hello. I can't seem to upload replay file to a map. It is .Replay.GBX as it asks me, but when i press continue to upload the replay it say "Signature mismatch. The replay cannot be uploaded." Can anyone shine some light on this for me. I'm possibl...
Read Post 4:38 AM on 22-Jun-2022
Basically it refuses the file because "the file type must be a *.Replay.Gbx" but the thing is : my replay IS a *.Replay.Gbx. Can anyone help in any kind of way, i would really appreciate it.
Read Post 7:38 PM on 21-Jun-2022
thx a lot.
Read Post 7:20 AM on 21-Jun-2022
Pls dudes, someone knows the name of the plastic textures in 'image' for mod?? ... i will be crazy with this shit now!! thxxxx Maybe this helps? https://discord.com/channels/288311888842850304/683332745585360926/988006311482499072
Read Post 6:58 PM on 20-Jun-2022
Read Post 3:12 AM on 20-Jun-2022
Read Post 5:12 AM on 18-Jun-2022
The discord link to TMGL Autumn is broken now :(
Read Post 9:34 PM on 17-Jun-2022
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/905931385565478922/986693272862875718/ROJORd.jpg65492 this is Jozo's first map. It's a flowy dirt route which I made scenery for. Really recommend you give it a try!