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Read Post 8:45 PM on 08-May-2022
So I came to check my map on another computer; and I can't seem to be able to download it through TMX; Trackmania.io download works though. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/876884487538102312/972960795187101696/unknown.png Should I attempt to...
Read Post 6:42 PM on 08-May-2022
Thanks a ton! ^^
Read Post 6:39 PM on 08-May-2022
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247831222074474496/972930179095752714/unknown.png When i saw this i understood you didn't understood well ^^. Your map have been added. The maps send to this mmappack must be "validated" by the moderators....
Read Post 6:33 PM on 08-May-2022
Hello, I tried to submit my map for this competition when I was greeted with an error: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/876884487538102312/972927164188074134/unknown.png I tried again a couple more times, mitigating anything that might've int...
Read Post 5:07 PM on 08-May-2022
I have a quick question, are different surface variants of effect blocks allowed?; e.g. a dirt turbo and grass turbo, or do they count as one block. Yes they don't have same "gameplay" so they are considered different
Read Post 3:54 PM on 08-May-2022
I have a quick question, are different surface variants of effect blocks allowed?; e.g. a dirt turbo and grass turbo, or do they count as one block.
Read Post 3:47 PM on 08-May-2022
https://trackmania.exchange/maps/59379/route-1 maybe this one ? :)
Read Post 3:38 PM on 08-May-2022
59615 pls put this map in the mappack :/
Read Post 3:11 PM on 08-May-2022
Can scenery trees be used more than once? Nope. As said before one tree from each only. any required track length? Nope. Any time you want ;) Do i need to wait map is validate on mappack? Sorry, it's my first time. Yup. A moderator need...
Read Post 10:31 AM on 08-May-2022
DOPE :build: 59510