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Read Post 8:17 PM on 22-Apr-2021
Yo guys :P ! I'm doing right now a serie of map called : MicroWorlds. It's basically a themed map but build in a 8³ (8x8x8) and that's pretty much all :D I've already done 6 so far, you can see them on my profile ;) !i! I WOULD LIKE ANY K...
Read Post 6:57 PM on 22-Apr-2021
Done :)
Read Post 4:12 PM on 22-Apr-2021
I accidentily uploaded my map outside of the mappack lol could an admin add mine too im quite new. Here's the link: 27581
Read Post 4:22 AM on 21-Apr-2021
Hi all, I am new here and when I upload my replay and hit "Continue", I get the message in red: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." How do I fix this? Am I doing something wrong? I know the file is selected because when I hit "Con...
Read Post 4:19 PM on 20-Apr-2021
Hi Gilli The problem is solved ;)
Read Post 4:14 PM on 20-Apr-2021
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/247831222074474496/834099724407275580/Sans_titre.jpg?width=970&height=451 Click here you will have the detail ;)
Read Post 4:08 PM on 20-Apr-2021
Hi Trackmania Exchange is a community run website, and does not provide game support. For that, you need to contact the game developer, on their forum: https://discussions.ubisoft.com/category/829/player-support?lang=en-US
Read Post 6:28 PM on 19-Apr-2021
Not sure if it would be doable and its' certainly not an emergency but it would be nice to have a "date added" line on the playlater list. I just checked mine and saw that I had tracks in there but couldn't remember how long ago I added them and if I...
Read Post 6:51 PM on 18-Apr-2021
Read Post 3:43 PM on 18-Apr-2021
I officially present the RPGEgypt mod to you. It is primarily reserved for RPG and custom RPG blocks. I hope he will please you, have fun ! To install the mod, simply take the mod link itself and place them in "choose URL" after this manipulation...