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Read Post 2:18 PM on 05-Jul-2021
Can you submit a RPG or Trial map aswell?
Read Post 10:21 PM on 04-Jul-2021
Judging takes a lot of effort and time and offers little to no reward. However that's something you should be aware as a judge and think about whether or not you can actually take the effort and make the time to do it in a respectable timeframe. Thi...
Read Post 6:47 AM on 04-Jul-2021
Yes, the rules allow for custom blocks and items as long as they are embedded into the map.
Read Post 2:51 AM on 04-Jul-2021
Can you use custom blocks? Also, do loops count as curves or turns? I made my map. I released it 5 days ago and still no one noticed?!?? :| :'(
Read Post 7:52 PM on 03-Jul-2021
Ok I uploaded a replay to another map and it worked... Then it was propably an issue with the upload and the replay is now lost :D But it's not a real problem since it wasn't a good time.
Read Post 7:49 PM on 03-Jul-2021
Hi, yes sure :) https://trackmania.exchange/maps/16970/a-dream-within-a-dream The thing is also, that there was an SQL error when I uploaded the replay. But a re-upload was not allowed because the replay already existed. Maybe I should try...
Read Post 2:37 PM on 03-Jul-2021
Can you link the map you uploaded your replay to, please? Looking at your user page it shows 0 uploaded replays
Read Post 9:03 PM on 02-Jul-2021
Hi all :) I am pretty new to TMX and I couldn't find a solution to my problem: I uploaded a replay to the leaderboards (not beating the current WR) but it doesnt show up in the ranking for the particular map. I waited already two days. Wi...
Read Post 8:05 PM on 01-Jul-2021
This is a really nice theme! Looking forward to what creative things people will be making!
Read Post 6:10 PM on 01-Jul-2021
 One Word DT
Ooh, with the new content update this is a cool theme to go for in the summer. Very much looking forward to the maps this month. GL ALL.