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MTC Feedback & Ideas Thread
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Post Reply  23 Observers
... says:
The Idea of Bonus/Penalty Points
As something like this used to be standalone MTC-Theme, I'm not too sure about it's current implementation. I'll be using examples from the June2021 MTC.
... says:
+5pts -Add a beautiful image into your map thumbnail in TMX
+3pts -Add a GPS
+2pts -Add an Intro

Are these aspects not already evaluated in the detail part of the map judging process? This basically gives Detail double the weight over the other parts.
... says:
+5pts -Using custom dirt blocks from IX (If you create some new ones 2 extra points will be given)

I can understand wanting to promote IX as well, I'm more concerned about the extra points. This goes hand-in-hand with my Accessability concerns towards MTC's. Some points reward in-depth knowledge of how the game works (5th Gear, Noslide), which could put off newer players.
In general, I believe the weight of these points is also out of proportion. Being able to score 30 Points from 50(60%) in the normal judging process is way too much I believe. The focus shifts to the pointslist. The Theme's information saying "Any style accepted, map just need to be good and creative using dirt blocks" and then punish faster maps (Penalty Points for using the 5th gear) is a bit contradictory.
TLDR: If any bonus points, Less weight on the points + better thought out points list.

SkyBaxRider mention that allready , we talk about in MX Discord about it also i talk with Teroor about it.
In the Future those updates will not come out of nowhere also we will get with mutiple people over those points.
And i totally agree with you when it comes to the Points.
Teroor knows that he did a mistake there with the points but we let them stay for June.
More Updates About the Judge System and Point system in general will come soon.

... says:
About MTC Themes in general
With the new game having tons of new blocks and new possibilities, I believe there is no need to reinvent the wheel. There are tons and tons of creative themes from previous games that could be used for TM2020 MTC's. With the influx of new players, only few would notice anyways.

We also discuss this , we have in the MX team kinda a different Opinion about this Theme thing but we trying to combine ours now.
Like i said MTC dont need to be a Funky Crazy Map Competion but also not Simple
But it should be possible to do both even when we swap like for example
One-two month new Themes , one month an old theme overwork with an other main Point and also an open Theme like "x surface" or scenery only. But we need a good middle point for this.

... says:
Results being late:
Judging takes a lot of effort and time and offers little to no reward. However that's something you should be aware as a judge and think about whether or not you can actually take the effort and make the time to do it in a respectable timeframe. I know there's a never ending shortage of people willing to judge, but the solution to this problem shouldn't be just taking months to finish it. Something like being able to judge the tracks as they come out could also lessen the workload at the end of the month.

This will be fix allready.
Still results will not come after 1-2weeks after the MTC finish but not anymore after 1month.
I help out to find fast people allready while the theme get announce who are up for this.
If people who reading this wanna be one time an MTC judge will free to message Teroor on the MX Discord or via Messages over TMX.

... says:
MTC Themes being posted late
I think this can go hand in hand with my point about the results. If I'd knew that the Theme will always be posted on the 1st of the month and for example the results of the previous theme will be published on the same day, that would actually create some hype and incentive to check out the forums monthly instead of losing interest. Maybe even sit together with some fellow mappers and discuss the new theme or the old results.

This is also a discussable point, some people dont have a problem until its not middle of the month. (At least in the first 3-7Days of a month)
We will prepare Themes only for a couple of months but for that as SkyBaxRaider posted something , we will give an update soon.

Location: SE
I think that the points, if used properly, can incentivise some really interesting maps. As someone who only occasionally enters into an MTC, it's got me to think through how I'm going to try to build things, what custom blocks and items can I use to make something interesting.

I'll go through what I think of each of the bonus and penalty categories here:
+5pts -Using custom dirt blocks from IX (If you create some new ones 2 extra points will be given)
This encourages people to use blocks that they would not normally use and promotes Item Exchange. I think it's a good idea, but I do agree that maybe it's too much incentive for the future.

+5pts -Using custom items (like custom trees/rocks for example)
Same as above. If anything, these should probably be rolled into the one category, because they're essentially the same thing almost.

+5pts -At least one no slide turn on a dirt surface (when the car dont slide)[A turn is considered when the car actually change direction, for example going straight North then no sliding into a East direction]
If you are going to encourage the use of a certain driving style or technique, there should probably be a link to a video or post describing that style or technique in more detail. What constitutes a noslide? What is a drift?
However, I do believe that this is a good idea to encourage people to learn about these. Just... execution hasn't been good on this point for a few MTC's.

+5pts -Using the official TMX signpack at least 2 in the entire map
Good idea, too much incentive. Maybe 1 or 2 points maybe? The fact that it's worth more than a GPS or an Intro is... odd.

+5pts -Add a beautiful image into your map thumbnail in TMX
Again, good idea, too much incentive. 1 or 2 points.

+3pts -Add a GPS
+2pts -Add an Intro

Good idea, but again, too much incentive. I'd say 1 pt for intro, and MAYBE 2 pts for GPS.

The things I like about the bonus points: They can act as a checklist. Have you used custom stuff? Have you made a GPS? An intro? Simple stuff that can elevate a map from good to complete. However, it does feel as though things are WAY too heavily incentivised. Maybe 1 or 2 points here or there unless there is a specific thing you want to incentivise in this MTC in particular, like the noslide turn.

-5pts -If the 5th gear is used (One judge will hunt the map during at least one hour, make sure the car cant use the 5th gear)
I disagree with the FS addicts. Why create a track that only uses one of the three possible controls, steering? Now, this may be because I have raced go-karts IRL, but I tend to have an attitude of "Make the driver think about the line they are going to take and at what speed they will take it at" when creating my maps. Why do they want to go high, why do they want to try and cut the corner slightly? Would it be better to go wide and take the speed into the next jump, or stay close to the apex and get the better line into the jump?

There isn't just one racing style or technique, and I reckon that opening up the MTC completely is not a good idea. This is supposed to be a challenge, and I don't think allowing people to create any style of map they want really provides that challenge. There is a certain amount of creativity in working within a limitation after all.

And I found this requirement to be an interesting challenge. It meant that I had to think about my corner placement and how inclines affected acceleration, it meant I had to get good at my own track to test it, and then it meant I had to fix my final corner because I got too good at my track. It encourages a certain style of track, and in this case, it discourages Full Speed maps.

However, I do agree that it should be used in moderation.

-5pts -If you used more than 2 times the SAME turn block (the opposite turn is considered to be the same for example a 2x2 right turn and a 2x2 left one)
This one I have no issues with. It discourages sameness, and encourages experimentation with different corner combinations. It makes tracks more interesting, and I'd like to see more of this requirement.

-5pts -If the map used more than two effects (effect: speedboost, noengine, reactor boost, etc..)[reset isnt counted in the "two"]
Again, this focuses the map more on the track than the stunts. It's an interesting limitation, and encourages more 'realistic' maps, for a certain value of 'realistic'. But I would also agree that this isn't appropriate for every single MTC.

-5pts -If you dont use AT LEAST two different blocs in the map (Dirt Plateform and Dirt road for example)
I don't see anything wrong with this one, like the same turn rule. It encourages variety, and I'd like to see it in more MTC's.

I'm of the belief that the penalties should be used to discourage things that don't follow the theme. In this case, the theme is Dirt Rally. That implies, at least for me, a more realistic track, and more focus on control and precision through tight, unpredictable corners than massive speed through big flowing turns. In this case, the penalties chosen make sense for the theme: no 5th gear means no full speed, and no effects restrict stunting.

In comparison, Bonus points should act more like a checklist of things you should be including anyway, with a couple of theme-specific conditions to encourage exploration in different techniques and styles.

Something to take into account here as well is that this may not be appropriate for every MTC. Sometimes you do just want to open things up for people to go nuts over. I imagine that this is what is going to be happening in a month or two for the Royal mode. But in this case, the theme asked for something a bit more specific. It wasn't just "Dirt", it was "Dirt Rally", which is a specific style of Dirt that usually gets overshadowed by Full- and High-Speed-Dirt.

I would also argue that we should have a few themes that are even more restrictive. Say, build your track in a 10x10x10 space. Or build a track completely out of items, or that doesn't use dirt, tech, grass, or ice. Or maybe a theme like Hover Car Racer that requires that the majority of the time the car is hovering above water or the ground using boosters. Something a bit more oddball that presents a good challenge in track design.
Thanks again to everyone for all the ideas and thoughts so far!

Please continue to post theme suggestions! :cool:
Last edited by skybaxrider»UD,

Location: US
... says:

Like i said MTC dont need to be a Funky Crazy Map Competion but also not Simple
But it should be possible to do both even when we swap like for example
One-two month new Themes , one month an old theme overwork with an other main Point and also an open Theme like "x surface" or scenery only. But we need a good middle point for this.

I personally like very different or "crazy" themes for competitions as long as it's not every month--it encourages folks to be creative and think outside the normal rules. But some people dislike them--this is why "wild and crazy" ideas shouldn't be done every time, but they should spice things up sometimes.

Same = boring. Go crazy as far as I'm concerned (and I personally like the points approach--it's like a fun puzzle to try to get them all--make something crazy elaborate with 50 things with 1 point for each--I don't care. It would be fun.)

As far as all the talk about mods and results and when judging is finished and when a new MTC happens--it's all whining, IMO. Five crew members on this site are currently getting 2€ a day to work on it in their spare time and no one is getting any sort of € MTC prize no matter how cool your map is, so take a deep breath. If you're getting salty about rules for building tracks on the internet or waiting for results for a comp and demanding that people be "replaced"...yikes. (And if you don't care about TMX crew's actual lives and things being delayed because of that, then log off and go outside.)

Here's a different sort of crazy theme idea: "Build The Slowest Map"--builders can use up to X blocks total (20? 30?), and only 1 of each block, but no special blocks (slow-motion, engine-kill, boosters, etc.--and no off-road allowed). All the judges (and all builders, if they wish) drive all the maps, and the one with the longest WR two (?) weeks after comp. end is the winner.
Track Slacker
Location: US
_firestorrm says:
Judging takes a lot of effort and time and offers little to no reward. However that's something you should be aware as a judge and think about whether or not you can actually take the effort and make the time to do it in a respectable timeframe.

This. If your life is busy, then maybe you shouldn't be hosting / judging a competition that’s supposed to be run periodically for a very dedicated playerbase. There's a deadline for submissions, and there should be one for judging as well. I've personally lost interest to enter until there’s results for my previous entries.
Last edited by agidd,

Location: FI
MTC Theme Idea  
so i just had the idea to make a theme like: Implement Scenery into
the route. I think that could be rly, rly cool and ppl will prob do
crazy creative things. One could say that someone will just use black
plattform scenery and then use that in the route aswell, but that could
just give less points - more creative transitions and use of scenery in the
route = more points.
Have a good day
I am pretty sure, it has been already said, but here some ideas for MTC:

- u can use all blocks u want but only once each (custom items allowed or not)

- forcing all checkpoints on one line vertically and/or horizontally (like the Link's map a while ago, I think the name is Smart Lines) or something in that spirit

- a multilap track but with different paths on each lap
oh here another one:

-make a map on a 2 or 3 wide block width (i.e. 64m or 96m)
Back to basics: simple editor only.

Borrowed idea: mapper should take inspiration in someone's else map of their choice. The map must have zero awards and be mentioned in comments.

Encore: map must have at least one fake finish before the actual end.

Freeroam: map mustn't have an aim.

Maze / free route: map mustn't have an optimal route, i. e. take checkpoints in any order.

Monotype: map can only have one type of terrain. No transitions, no fragments.

Oval: map can have only two corners, both 180° to the same direction.

The scenic route: map must be over 1 minute long and very relaxing, scenery takes 75% of the score.

Trap: map made to prank the driver.
Last edited by Mortex,

Location: BR
Mortex says:
Back to basics: simple editor only.

Borrowed idea: mapper should take inspiration in someone's else map of their choice. The map must have zero awards and be mentioned in comments.

Encore: map must have at least one fake finish before the actual end.

Freeroam: map mustn't have an aim.

Maze / free route: map mustn't have an optimal route, i. e. take checkpoints in any order.

Monotype: map can only have one type of terrain. No transitions, no fragments.

Oval: map can have only two corners, both 180° to the same direction.

The scenic route: map must be over 1 minute long and very relaxing, scenery takes 75% of the score.

Trap: map made to prank the driver.

Thanks for the ideas,

Some have been done already or the theme idea is really "near" a theme that we used like simple editor or scenic route.

For the ideas posted before, and from this post we've taken everything in an internal document. Feel free to continue posting

Location: FR
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