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 Kummalki pual

by  Ozei  |  12
Open to feedback
It's a start
AT   03:18.911 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  127933 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   03:14.848  SkiFreak 12 (100%)
2nd   03:19.308  wormi 9.6 (80%)
 Author Comments
This map was built for Finnish TM community meet-up, where it was played in 'Beeriocart' style. You had to complete three laps on the map and also drink a can of beverage of your choice before finishing. The twist is, the map has three designated drinking stations, and you had to stop at a different one on each lap, drinking about 1/3 of your drink before continuing.
 Embedded objects25 Objects
Object IX? Object author
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brls_straight_flat.Item.gbx squiki.wp
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W_PP_Str_HBRight_HBRight_Even_Center_Size1.Item.gbx Juice
V_PP_Str_Flat_HBLeft_Up1_Center_Size2.Item.gbx Juice
V_RG-RT_Tur_Flat_Flat_Even_Right_Size2.Item.Gbx Juice
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V_RD_Tur_Flat_Flat_Up2_Left2_Size2.Item.gbx Juice
V_RT-RD_Tur_Flat_Flat_Even_Left_Size2.Item.Gbx Juice
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V_RT_Tur_Flat_BiS_Down1_Right2_Size2.Item.gbx Juice
V_RT_Chi_Flat_HBRight_Up1_Left1_Size2.Item.gbx Juice
Pole_Cover_Road_Flat.Item.Gbx _firestorrm
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 25 / 25 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange