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MTC October 2020 - No Month for the Colorblind
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That only prove that u have possible progression :). Your map wasnt noted 20 from our judges ;)

Location: FR
Oh just saw this. Gz all!
DeeKayTripleDee says:
But my map placed second to dead last in this competition, thus proving that I'm not a good enough mapper

Hi! I've been making maps for this series of games for 17 years. I've probably made a couple hundred maps at this point and have won the MTC 8 times so far.

I was dead last, so I obviously suck the most, I guess? (Or maybe this sort of thing is really complicated and somewhat arbitrary and doesn't necessarily mean much re: anyone's mapping skill.)

Don't let it bother you--take what you can from the feedback, and if it doesn't apply, ignore it.
Have fun. Make cool stuff. Make maps that you enjoy.

You're fine. :cool:
Last edited by pjw,
Track Slacker
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