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 TMA² - Slow Burn

by  l_urk  |  13
Getting popular..
AT   00:53.316 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  89877 
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
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 Offline records
# Record User Score Date
1st   00:59.712  Juice 13 (100%)
2nd   01:00.904   MrPepsy 10.4 (80%)
3rd   01:01.297  eyebo 8.45 (65%)
 Author Comments
TMA is back with a new campaign: TMA Campaign vol. 2

This campaign features 20 maps from 31 total authors with a variety of styles and difficulties that should bring challenges to everyone.
These mappers, ranging from up-and-comers to well-known creators, have put together a creative mappack over the course of 4 months that will be fun to discover and hunt for all.

There is a hunting competition for these maps with a €700+ prize pool starting with the mappack release on Feb. 4th and ending on Mar. 18th, see tma.gg/campaign for more information and standings. All maps can be found in the "TMA CAMPAIGN VOL2" campaign in the TMA.GG club in-game or through the TMX mappack.

 Embedded objects15 Objects
Object IX? Object author
U_PT_Tur_Flat_BRight_Down1_Right3_Size3.Item.gbx Juice
U_PT_Str_Flat_BLeft_Down1_Center_Size3.Item.gbx Juice
GroundBlack.Block.Gbx eyebo
StadiumLogoRing.Item.Gbx ivLolqvRQGeVjd9nN3l-Hg
Stadium.Item.Gbx ivLolqvRQGeVjd9nN3l-Hg
PlatformUDownTechToRoadIce2.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
GroundRM.Block.Gbx 01KMj2rKSW-ldQw9QJ1MQA
GrassUBottomChicaneX2.Item.Gbx slowpiou
TechTiltToDirtTiltRight_2X.Item.Gbx slowpiou
TechToDirtTiltUpLeft.Item.Gbx slowpiou
BalloonCluster1.Item.Gbx BBYj6VfeTeqP0mrflnulWA
BalloonCluster2.Item.Gbx BBYj6VfeTeqP0mrflnulWA
BalloonTower.Item.Gbx BBYj6VfeTeqP0mrflnulWA
HotAirBalloon1.Item.Gbx BBYj6VfeTeqP0mrflnulWA
HotAirBalloon2.Item.Gbx BBYj6VfeTeqP0mrflnulWA
 7 / 15 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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