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 Aamuyön pikkutunnit

by  Lolita  |  0
AT   01:43.875 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Advanced 
ID  88598 
  Mixed Competitive    
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This is a map I built for a funcomp Findurance upon request. The title refers to the time I was building this track on since I was suffering from bad sleep rhythm during the holidays so I would boot up the editor at anywhere from midnight to 6AM.

It's a fairly basic map with a little bit of everything on it.
 Embedded objects22 Objects
Object IX? Object author
5-5-1_PlatformTech.Item.Gbx MrFunreal
W_PP_Tur_Flat_BLeft_Even_Left1_Size1.Item.gbx Juice
U_PP_Chi_BLeft_BRight_Down1_Left1_Size3.Item.gbx Juice
U_PP_Str_Flat_BRight_Even_Center_Size3.Item.gbx Juice
PlatformGrassBiSlope2End.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformGrassBiSlope2Start.Item.Gbx eyebo
RoadBumpBorderlessTransitionDecoWallStart.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
zRoadBumpBorderlessStraight.Item.Gbx M4XjIdoGQXKANj6LpDdxUg
PlatformPlasticSlopeWithHole24m.Block.Gbx iNDEX
M2_PlatformTechToDecoWall.Block.Gbx SHIFT_Doomer.BE
TechToDirtTiltUpLeftChicane1.Item.Gbx slowpiou
TechTiltToBumpDownRightChicane1.Item.Gbx slowpiou
RoadIceTiltLToTechFlatStraight2D.Item.gbx Rxelux
RoadIceTiltRToTechFlatStraight2D.Item.gbx Rxelux
DirtSlopeTurnRHigh.Item.Gbx Rxelux
RoadSlopeToFlatTurnL.Item.Gbx Rxelux
BumpBankedTransitionLowerR.Item.Gbx Rxelux
DirtBankedTransitionHighR.Item.Gbx Rxelux
RoadBankedTransitionHighL.Item.Gbx Rxelux
RoadBankedTransitionHighR.Item.Gbx Rxelux
AirLegitCP.Item.Gbx That_Ski_Freak
TM2_RoadTechStraightStretchOneSideHD.Item.Gbx Taccnien
 21 / 22 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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Findurance maps  Kalwei 17