This is a map that focuses very heavily on finding optimal pathing. Current people that have routes they run put the time around 1:22-1:25.
Its been speculated it could go as low as 1:08 or thereabouts, but I leave it to more skilled individuals than I.
Known Fast Routes:
Spaceship rear-flick to start, Ice to Grass transfer, Boost to platform transfer, Platform to Dirt Transfer to Finish
Ice to Grass Transfer, Platform undership to dirt transfer, Finish
Dirt to Grass Transfer, Platform to Yeet jump to ice transfer
Boost Jump to Dirt Transfer, Rest is the same as the one above.
I will not be updating this map to block ANY paths off. The only changes will be to bugfix (clipped terrain, bad geometry, etc.) and not to path out paths.
To this end, this is the update change log:
1.01 - Moved Ice Checkpoint back to enable respawns getting over the hill.
1.0 - Release