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by   fablol  |  0
AT   04:16.192 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  73797 
  Race Mixed    
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I built this Map without testing anything about it.
Just going by experience with mapping.
Tried to add different styles a bit, but overall it's mainly a race map, no technical tech/dirt/ice/fullspeed, most noticeable is probably the lol aspect. lol

 Embedded objects4 Objects
Object IX? Object author
PlatformHalfRamp625CM.Block.Gbx OsqkmsHkSACI76a-gAuyuw
PlatformRamp2M.Block.Gbx OsqkmsHkSACI76a-gAuyuw
PlatformRamp625CM.Block.Gbx OsqkmsHkSACI76a-gAuyuw
WideReset.Block.Gbx Trackmaniadude
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