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 KEKL - Your basic ice slide thing

by  Rexasaurus  |  0
AT   00:19.738 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  72118 
  Signature LOL Ice    
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:build: Made for the KEKL 15 minute event hosted by the US Discord :build:

What is it about circles and ice..... :d

 Embedded objects13 Objects
Object IX? Object author
JetEngineWhiteSmall.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
TriggerHigh-CP-stripe-x2.Item.Gbx oqWUkGg0S6G9ueoYCXVwyA
T_PI_Tur_BRight_BRight_Even_Right4_Size4.Item.gbx Juice
U_PI_Tur_BRight_BRight_Even_Right3_Size3.Item.gbx Juice
V_PI_Tur_BRight_BRight_Even_Right2_Size2.Item.gbx Juice
W_PI_Tur_Flat_BRight_Even_Right1_Size1.Item.gbx Juice
V_PI_Tur_Flat_BRight_Up2_Right2_Size2.Item.gbx Juice
T_PI_Str_Flat_BLeft_Down1_Center_Size4.Item.gbx Juice
U_PI_Str_Flat_Flat_Up1_Center_Size3.Item.gbx Juice
ssb_straight_rounded.Item.Gbx squikeay
CP-stripe-x2-banked-L.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
spc_slope_p_pillar.Item.gbx squiki.wp
IceRamp625MMHalf.Block.Gbx SHIFT_Doomer.BE
 11 / 13 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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