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 MTC - 3 Minutes to Midnight

by  asyr.nj  |  0
It's a start
AT   02:51.169 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Advanced 
ID  67272 
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hi TrackmaniaExchange!

This is my (late) submission for June's MTC, this is more of a proof of concept because I'm not quite satisfied with the finishing touches yet, there's a lot I wanted to experiment with mediatracker but didn't have enough time as I started building it late into the month. This is the longest map I've had to make so far, it's quite challenging even as the author to try and get a clean run. The experience definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone :d

Anyway I hope you'll enjoy this one, cheers!

Edit: turns out I managed to get a run under 3 minutes, I hope that's still fine for the challenge
 Embedded objects52 Objects
Object IX? Object author
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 32 / 52 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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Map group Mike  asyr.nj 9