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 shitfest - The Forest

by  shitfest  |  0
AT   00:57.305 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  41651 
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Played: shitfest, Season 6, Edition 4 (Halloween Edition)

What is shitfest? In short:
- What? Mixed/random-style (almost) weekly cup
- Where? TM2020, in the shitfest server (accessible in the club)
- When? Mondays at 8pm (20:00) CE(S)T
- Duration? About 45-60 minutes per edition
- Mode: rounds (points limit: ∞)
- Map pool of 15 short maps (AT < 1 minute)
- One warm-up, one live round
- Winner will be the player with most points after all 15 maps have been played

shitfest Discord: https://discord.gg/d9qyGdR
 Embedded objects78 Objects
Object IX? Object author
Start.1BlockFront.Block.Gbx YvPE_XE6QBi3PUTB-woBLQ
DeadTree1.Item.gbx Grymlock
DeadTree2.Item.gbx Grymlock
PlatformPenaltyGrassBiSlope2Base.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformPenaltyGrassBiSlope2End.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformPenaltyGrassBiSlope2Start.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformPenaltyGrassBiSlope2UBottom.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformPenaltyGrassBiSlope2UTop.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformPenaltyGrassBiSlopeToSlope2Straight.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformPenaltyGrassSlope2StraightToBiSlope.Item.Gbx eyebo
AU-CrewmateDeadRed.Item.Gbx Mekh
Spooky_Boat.Item.gbx Yorsh
Spooky_Boat_Paddle.Item.gbx Yorsh
Spooky_HangingArrow.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Spooky_OrangeBlue.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Spooky_Priestess_Lantern_Blue.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Spooky_Priestess_Lantern_Orange.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Spooky_Priestess_Pray.Item.Gbx Yorsh
lava.Item.Gbx Taccnien
ArchBig.Item.Gbx niZe
Bat2D.Item.Gbx niZe
Cross2.Item.Gbx niZe
Cross3.Item.Gbx niZe
CrossPole.Item.Gbx niZe
CrossSmall.Item.Gbx niZe
RockLarge7.Item.Gbx niZe
RockLarge8.Item.Gbx niZe
RockLarge9.Item.Gbx niZe
RockSmall4.Item.Gbx niZe
RockHuge8.Item.Gbx niZe
RockHuge9.Item.Gbx niZe
RockLarge2.Item.Gbx niZe
RockLarge3.Item.Gbx niZe
RockLarge4.Item.Gbx niZe
RockLarge6.Item.Gbx niZe
RockHuge2.Item.Gbx niZe
RockHuge3.Item.Gbx niZe
RockHuge4.Item.Gbx niZe
RockHuge5.Item.Gbx niZe
RockHuge6.Item.Gbx niZe
RockHuge7.Item.Gbx niZe
FallenTree2.Item.Gbx niZe
FallenTree3.Item.Gbx niZe
FallenTree4.Item.Gbx niZe
FenceStable.Item.Gbx niZe
Wheel.Item.Gbx niZe
RockHuge1.Item.Gbx niZe
DeadTree1.Item.Gbx niZe
DeadTree2.Item.Gbx niZe
DeadTree3.Item.Gbx niZe
DeadTree4.Item.Gbx niZe
DeadTree5.Item.Gbx niZe
FallenTree.Item.Gbx niZe
Torch.Item.Gbx niZe
AngelStatue.Item.Gbx niZe
DevilAngelStatue.Item.Gbx niZe
JesusCrucifixion.Item.Gbx niZe
Satan.Item.Gbx niZe
Lantern.Item.Gbx niZe
TombstoneBroken.Item.Gbx niZe
TreeBig.Item.Gbx niZe
TreeMid.Item.Gbx niZe
TreeScary.Item.Gbx niZe
TreeSmall.Item.Gbx niZe
Pumpkin.Item.Gbx niZe
GraveSkull.Item.Gbx niZe
Ruins.Item.Gbx niZe
TombStone.Item.Gbx niZe
TombStone2.Item.Gbx niZe
Tombstone3.Item.Gbx niZe
Tombstone4.Item.Gbx niZe
Crow2D.Item.Gbx niZe
Ghost1.Item.Gbx niZe
Ghost2.Item.Gbx niZe
Grave1.Item.Gbx niZe
Grave3.Item.Gbx niZe
Grave4.Item.Gbx niZe
ReactorBoost1_4X.Block.Gbx slowpiou
 77 / 78 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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shitfest - Season 6  shitfest 293