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by  Jussel  |  0
AT   01:40.435 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  39069 
  Platform Remake RPG    
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This is a maze racetrack which was originally built in tm nations forever. There is only one way to the finish. This means: You can't miss a check point. After each cp you have to find the correct route to the next cp.
- The way itself is easy. (No hard obstacles)
- When you know the map already you can do it in under 100 seconds.
- If you don't know the map yet you'll propably need about 10 minutes. (Of course this depends on how fast you find the right way.)
 Embedded objects22 Objects
Object IX? Object author
Light_FFF.Item.Gbx BigBang1112
NoGround.Block.Gbx pTuyJG9STcCN_11BiU3t0Q
PlatformBoost.Item.Gbx pTuyJG9STcCN_11BiU3t0Q
GrassGround.Item.Gbx pTuyJG9STcCN_11BiU3t0Q
PlatformBoostBankedL.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
PlatformBoostBankedR.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
PlatformFlat.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
PlatformFlatToSlope.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
PlatformSlope.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
PlatformSlopeToFlat.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
PlatformSlopeAirBase.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
PlatformStraight.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
PlatformT.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
FlatCheckpointOpt1.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
GrassEdgeCornerIn2.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
GrassEdgeStraight2.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
PlatformBase.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
PlatformCorner.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
PlatformCross.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
PlatformDeadend.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
PlatformPlate.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
PlatformSlopeAir.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ