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 In a Dream

by  Mr_Twig11  |  0
AT   06:59.568 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Advanced 
ID  35944 
  Ice Tech RPG    
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This track is a Ice and Road track.
There are multiple ways to complete it, you want to find the fastest way!
There is less secrets and "find the way" as an RPG or pathfinding track would have, more like "find the FASTEST way!"

GPS is to the left right after the start, there is a challenge to get to it.
GPS might spoil the track but use it if you are stuck :)

Thanks to Scarzor and Karlburger (karlberg) for inspiring me!
 Embedded objects3 Objects
Object IX? Object author
WallSnow.Item.Gbx Qiraj
y94OfflineOctaverTwister2.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
y94OfflineOctaverWobble1.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
 3 / 3 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange