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 MTC - SandSlide

by   SuperNowa_FL  |  18
Open to feedback
It's a start
Featured on TMX
MTC 1st Place
AT   00:32.735 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  175368 
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
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 Offline records
# Record User Score Date
1st   00:31.794  Dougall 18 (100%)
2nd   00:33.223  Arkive86 14.4 (80%)
3rd   00:34.094   eyebo 11.7 (65%)
 Author Comments
Track built for MTC of June 2024.

Theme : Hot Desert Track (using mostly desert car)

UPDATE 12/06 : Fixed GPS mediatracker activating after taking safe fin.
 Embedded objects23 Objects
Object IX? Object author
DH-CStraight.Gbx.Item.Gbx r_teroor
DH-CTurn2.Gbx.Item.Gbx r_teroor
DH-UturnCoast.a.Item.Gbx r_teroor
DH-StraightJLat.Gbx.Item.Gbx r_teroor
DH-Turn3.Gbx.Item.Gbx r_teroor
DH-Check1.Gbx.Item.Gbx r_teroor
DH-Check2.Gbx.Item.Gbx r_teroor
DH-Start2.Gbx.Item.Gbx r_teroor
07_PlatformLoopCurveRight3Up1Dirt.Item.Gbx node2
03_PlatformLoopCurveChic3Right1Dirt.Item.Gbx node2
04_PlatformLoopCurveOTurn1Dirt.Item.Gbx node2
09_PlatformLoopCurveStraightSmallDirt.Item.Gbx node2
PlatformBankedToFlatDiag4L.Item.Gbx Rxelux
plastic_gps_mini.Item.Gbx ONcWjvEGTZC_WWhrCt-fww
TrenchGroundRemover.Block.Gbx sqr1SiV3T2uGps1Fd52ykQ
HtimH_Rock_Small01.item.gbx FE_OBpuQSvmlsJFIvMBWbw
HtimH_Rock_Small02.item.gbx FE_OBpuQSvmlsJFIvMBWbw
HtimH_Rock01.item.gbx htimh1
HtimH_Rock02.item.gbx htimh1
HtimH_Rock03.item.gbx htimh1
HtimH_Rock04.item.gbx htimh1
HtimH_Rock05.item.gbx htimh1
V_RT-RD_Chi_Flat_HBLeft_Down1_Right1_Size3.Item.Gbx Juice
 19 / 23 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
 Included in mappacks
Name Creator Tracks Etc
MTC June 2024 - Hot Desert Sun  Arkive86 8
 Track Feature

Winner of the June 2024 MTC, blast through this technical Desert dirt map!

Feature time: -  Arkive86