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 Pi Day

by  Trunckley  |  10
It's a start
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AT   00:31.415 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Advanced 
ID  160902 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   00:31.910   green-K- 10 (100%)
 Author Comments
Happy Pi day everyone! Made this short grass map in 2 days [6 hours - route, 3 hours - scenery]

GPS - 31.345
AT - 31.415

AT is made easier just to be the digits of pi :)
So good luck and have fun!

How many digits of pi do you know?
3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214 - 104 digits is all I know.
 Embedded objects9 Objects
Object IX? Object author
V_BR_Str_Flat_BRight_Even_Center_Size2.Item.gbx Juice
W_PG_Tur_SD_SU_Even_Right1_Size1.Item.gbx Juice
V_PG_Str_Flat_BRight_Even_Center_Size2.Item.gbx Juice
RoadBumpBorderlessTiltCurve1.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
RoadBumpBorderlessTiltCurve2.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
RoadBumpBorderlessTiltStraight.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
PlatformLoopTechSlopeHBStartRight.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
RoadTechSlopeUBottomInGroundOpenOneWay.Block.Gbx Willigamer
Tilted Right Fin .Item.Gbx pr1nglz
 9 / 9 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange