Race Commentator:
“Hello ladies and gentlemen, for the final track in the Championship Series, we have Desert Paradise! This track has an interesting history. A battle was fought here a long time ago. No one survived. Many years later a tribe of people discovered the ruins and decided to settle and turn half of it into a paradise city! We asked them, “Why half?”, and they responded, “Because scars look cooler”. Wow, what an answer! When we discovered this place, we were able to strike a deal with the city to use the area as the location for the Finals in exchange for our kidneys! What a generous bunch!
It’s pretty easy to tell the men from the boys with this one, thanks to its easy to learn, hard to master style. If you wanna get 1st, you’re gonna need to find which route is best, and learn what the best drifts and lines are. If you can do that, then the Championship Trophy is yours! Good luck racers!”
Yo yo yo! So this map is a remake of my most popular map from a karting game called ModNation Racers for the PS3. The servers were shut down late 2018, and I no longer have access to the PS3 that has all my MNR data on it, which means that I can no longer access a big piece of my MNR history. It’s long gone.
This track was my baby, my masterpiece, so I still remembered every single detail like I just finished it yesterday, even though it’s been roughly 10 years since I released it. When I began my TM journey 3 months ago and discovered what you can do with the map editor, I knew I had to bring my masterpiece back to life; a piece of my MNR history with me to TM! So after the Spring 2023 campaign finished, I began work on it.
The biggest challenge I faced was making it faithful while making it fun for TM players. It was easy to remake the track 1/1, but now I struggled with making it fun and exciting. After receiving lots of help, and after tons of revisions and test drives, I was finally able to make it as fun and exciting as I possibly could while still remaining faithful!
The scenery, I figured, needed a big update. Thanks to TM’s editor’s capabilities, I knew I could make each scenery section so much greater. And just for kicks, I added things that weren’t there before, like a giant pyramid! Thanks to the amazing work of MindHex, the scenery turned out more than I ever could’ve done by myself!
I’m really proud of this map. It’s a faithful remake of my beloved masterpiece that’s also really fun for TM players! Wherever the OG is in the unreachable void, I hope I made it proud! RIP OG version. Gone but not in the least bit forgotten. I hope you enjoyed the story about this map, and thanks so much for playing! <3
Secret Finishers:
Fegir! Grats on being the first!
Mudda! It was awesome watching you finish!
Lars! It was fun watching you finish within the time limit!