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Read Post 6:52 PM on 30-May-2023
Hope you'll enjoy, I just played a bit with the editor, and hopefully, not a bad map. Seems a bit competitive, send me your feedback I would love it ! <3 Titiox map: https://trackmania.exchange/tracks/view/110318
Read Post 4:57 PM on 30-May-2023
https://trackmania.exchange/maps/58293/hockolicious-ft-karjen Wirt made a main channel video about the original hockolicious, maybe new players are looking for the 2020 remake. + Unbeaten Karjen AT (Route approval)
Read Post 3:12 AM on 30-May-2023
I think MTC is dead, I asked some mods in VCs and they dont rlly know. Last one was febuary, no results like u said. RIP MTC
Read Post 11:59 PM on 28-May-2023
https://trackmania.exchange/mappack/view/3079 HERE IT IS :D Don't expect too much, I'm bad at this. <3
Read Post 6:30 PM on 28-May-2023
Is the monthly track contest dead? The last results, as far as I can tell, are from August '22, and it looks like we have six months' worth of track competition awaiting results from: Sept. 22 Oct. 22 Nov. 22 Dec. 22 Jan. 23 Feb. 23 I'v...
Read Post 11:46 PM on 26-May-2023
How about now?
Read Post 11:46 PM on 26-May-2023
I believe you'd need a 11.741 to upload a replay.
Read Post 11:54 PM on 22-May-2023
The map in question is " Dream Emotions " and was TOTD on March 21st , 2023. When going to the map on TMX , the award for receiving TOTD has been removed. Also looks like the TOTDs for April was put onto the days for march, so April 21st TOTD says it...
Read Post 5:28 AM on 21-May-2023
https://trackmania.exchange/maps/102808/serene-seasons Here's a totd style mixed map. Would love to see some more people hunting it!
Read Post 5:47 PM on 20-May-2023
After i had the issue for months, i finally found a fix: Do the process (add to in game favorites) one time on Pc. When the webpage turned black on the browser, a pop up notification will appear and it will get blocked. Open that pop up w...