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by  OrbWinder  |  0
AT   01:08.276 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Beginner 
ID  96400 
  Pathfinding Puzzle    
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A puzzle map on a 3X3 grid of arrows. Arrows point to platforms accessible from that point. Visit every platform at least once, then head for the finish! Shoutout to my sister for testing the map.
This is the smallest/easiest possible layout for this kind of puzzle, so it is very beginner friendly, even if you are not too good at puzzles. If anyone would be interested in more complex maps of this style, let me know!

Based on "Signpost" from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection
 Embedded objects7 Objects
Object IX? Object author
CP-stripe.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Finish-arc-x2.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
CP-stripe.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
2-6-1_TM2_RoadDirtToRoadHalfA.Block.Gbx eFFecT
SignpostArrowGlass.Item.Gbx Jys-Ot3ERtK3H3RWLvkZPg
SignpostStarGlass.Item.Gbx Jys-Ot3ERtK3H3RWLvkZPg
SignpostStartArrowGlass.Item.Gbx Jys-Ot3ERtK3H3RWLvkZPg
 4 / 7 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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Mappack test  OrbWinder 1