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 MI10 - Cutter's edition

by  s314ke  |  0
It's a start
AT   00:12.729 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  86665 
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For the cutters out there, I made a version of this map allowing only the cut to finish, and made it a bit harder :)
Have fun!
 Embedded objects11 Objects
Object IX? Object author
Light_Point_Blue_3.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Light_Point_Green_3.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Light_Point_White_3.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
TM2-Pole-Light-1.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
TM2-Pole-Light-3.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
HtimH_BuildingDtl1.Item.gbx htimh1
HtimH_BuildingDtl2.Item.gbx htimh1
HtimH_BuildingDtl3.Item.gbx htimh1
HtimH_BuildingDtl8.Item.gbx htimh1
Sheep.Item.Gbx Mr.Nugu
snowman_update.Item.Gbx X5wqQ1k_ToSmTYIxkFjdOg
 10 / 11 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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Ice Maps Bingo  WonarioStrik... 2365
Spike Maps for Bingo  Viper360 174