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 Mikowmer's Enduro #2 - MTC

by  Mikowmer  |  0
AT   03:03.365 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  67061 
  Endurance Mixed Race    
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Ooh, boy, this one was a doozy.

I managed to get the initial layout very early on, but struggled to nail certain sections. A lot of tweaking went into making sure that the map flowed from section to section. And then once I had done that... Lotta scenery to do. And I'm not much of a scenery person.

I did manage, however, to figure out a few neat tricks.

Through the dark woods, I didn't want full on fog because that would make it impossible to see, but by placing a few fog machines in the trees, I managed to create a low-level haze that I think adds really well to the ambience of that section of track. (Nadeo, maybe a haze generator might be a good idea for a future item? ;) )

With the Deco Cliffs, they don't come with a back by default. I was able to use this in two different ways: Lighting for the narrow canyon segment, and also allowing me to create pseudo-non-Euclidean geometry by putting part of the track inside some cliffs, and simply not complete the cliff. So from one side you see cliff, from the other it's see through!

And finally, using a plugin for OpenPlanet called Editor Helper, I was able to use a pivot offset to place lights on custom large curved platforms without needing to place them manually. This was make or break for a couple of turns in terms of the lighting, and I think it worked out well!

Thank you for checking out my map, and good luck!

EDIT: Minor edits, including slightly modifying signs and correcting incorrect GPS triggers.
 Embedded objects85 Objects
Object IX? Object author
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 83 / 85 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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