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 Silent road

by  Pumpkincell  |  0
It's a start
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AT   00:28.273 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  62382 
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Another good one made in about 4 hours btw this one is for a competition :0

Foresty map with chill atmosphere go on a free whealing adventure on a green plains with a small willage located on them.

Ps. sorry nyzor for your wr map update nr 4 will now delete the cuts
pss. sirry nyzor for your second place its cutproof now fr fr
 Embedded objects32 Objects
Object IX? Object author
OldHouseSmall.Item.gbx Ealipse
SmallHouse1.Item.gbx Ealipse
SmallHouse3.Item.gbx Ealipse
SmallHouse5.Item.gbx Ealipse
Windmill2.Item.gbx Ealipse
Barrel.Item.gbx Ealipse
Sign.Item.gbx Ealipse
Rockbig1.Item.gbx Ealipse
Rockbig2.Item.gbx Ealipse
Fence1.Item.gbx Ealipse
Fence2.Item.gbx Ealipse
Fence3.Item.gbx Ealipse
Fence4.Item.gbx Ealipse
GPS.Item.gbx Ealipse
Pole.Item.gbx Ealipse
Landscape_Fix.Item.Gbx Pumpkin
DeadTree1.Item.Gbx niZe
DeadTree3.Item.Gbx niZe
Finish-stripe.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
start-pad.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Z_Mini_Pltf_B_U_Turbo1.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
TrenchGroundRemover.Block.Gbx sqr1SiV3T2uGps1Fd52ykQ
htimh_rock02var.Item.gbx htimh1
htimh_rock03var.Item.gbx htimh1
htimh_rock06var.Item.gbx htimh1
htimh_rock12var.Item.gbx htimh1
CP-stripe-norespawn.Item.Gbx Uuir5TfoSrWpuNi6oQhvGA
CP-stripefixedadadspawn.Item.Gbx Uuir5TfoSrWpuNi6oQhvGA
CP-stripefixedspawadadn.Item.Gbx Uuir5TfoSrWpuNi6oQhvGA
CP-stripefixedspawn.adadItem.Gbx.Item.Gbx Uuir5TfoSrWpuNi6oQhvGA
CP-stripefixedspawnaa.Item.Gbx Uuir5TfoSrWpuNi6oQhvGA
Finish-adadstripe-x2.Item.Gbx Uuir5TfoSrWpuNi6oQhvGA
 24 / 32 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange