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 Tropical City

by   SuperNowa_FL  |  0
AT   00:30.985 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  58093 
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Hello !

This is a map originally made for the "Random Medal Tournament" event of the 28/05/2022 (previously for the 23/04/2022 but the event was cancelled and paused one month).

You can have more informations about the cup on their discord here : https://discord.gg/JUdRAmsrUE

HF ! ♥
 Embedded objects21 Objects
Object IX? Object author
Gras Bueschel Gross.Gbx.Item.Gbx Wallaby
Grasbueschel Schilf.Item.Gbx Wallaby
IvyTendril.Item.gbx skyslide
fireflies.Item.gbx Queen Clown
bumproaddark.Block.Gbx Heasto
MiddleWaterfallConnector.Item.Gbx Leores
MiddleWaterfallWall.Item.Gbx Leores
critters2a.Item.gbx htimh
crittersa.Item.gbx htimh
GP-4-2.Item.Gbx wMBUCAxgQo-zKYnlcCkF3g
GP-4-3.Item.Gbx wMBUCAxgQo-zKYnlcCkF3g
GP-4-7.Item.Gbx wMBUCAxgQo-zKYnlcCkF3g
GP-S-3.Item.Gbx wMBUCAxgQo-zKYnlcCkF3g
RoadDirtBankToRoadTech2ChicaneRight.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
RoadDirtBankToRoadTech3ChicaneLeft.Item.Gbx ONcWjvEGTZC_WWhrCt-fww
Village_Well.Item.gbx Yorsh
Venice_House.Item.gbx Yorsh
Venice_House2.Item.gbx Yorsh
Venice_Road_Straight.Item.gbx Yorsh
Venice_Road_Turn1In.Item.gbx Yorsh
Venice_Road_Turn1Out.Item.gbx Yorsh
 20 / 21 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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