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 Boring Routine

by  evanloup  |  10
AT   00:34.132 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Lunatic 
ID  53097 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   00:37.468  Exie2K 10 (100%)
 Author Comments
This map can be very confusing at first, so here's a resume of movements to do to get through the start (the hardest part) : First go under the bridge support. After that, go in between the well and the building at fullspeed, then take it large on the straight line and turn while drifting/letting go of the accelerator through a gap on the right, then go under the tents through the open gap at the end, and drift/let go of the accelerator through four more tents. Then line up to go in between the barrels on the other side of the well into a straight line towards a quarter-pipe at the end. Launch onto the other quarter-pipe on the left and go immediately on the right to dodge the pile of barrels. I'll stop explaining from there as the rest is more straight forward (and I'm sorry for this weird explanation, I'm terrible at explaining things). Anyways, I hope you enjoy this map and good luck!
 Embedded objects65 Objects
Object IX? Object author
Moutain1.Item.gbx Nightwolf93
Moutain2.Item.gbx Nightwolf93
Moutain3.Item.gbx Nightwolf93
Moutain4.Item.gbx Nightwolf93
CP-stripe-x2.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
CP-stripe.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Finish-stripe.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Transporter.Item.Gbx StunTMan
bridge middle piece 1.Item.Gbx Taccnien
bridge support 1b high 1.Item.Gbx Taccnien
bridge support under elevated bridge 1.Item.Gbx Taccnien
Village_StoneWall_Straight.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Barrel.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Village_Barrelx1_5.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Village_DryingFabric.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_PanelLarge_TM_.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Village_Shop.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Roof_Square_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Roof_Straight_Flat_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Roof_Straight_PSlope_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Roof_Straight_RSlope_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Roof_Turn1_RSlope_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Roof_Turn3_RSope_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Roof_PWave_Inv_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Roof_PWaveUp_Inv_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Roof_RWave_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Roof_RWave_Inv_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Roof_RWaveUp_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Roof_RWaveUp_Inv_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Panels_RightU_.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Village_Panels_RightUp_.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Village_Sign_Up_.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Village_Start_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Roof_PSlope_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Roof_PWave_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_Square.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_Stone.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_CheckpointLarge_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Panels_Left_.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Village_Panels_LeftU_.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Village_Panels_Right_.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Village_House_PWaveUp_Inv.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_RSlope_Straight.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_RWave.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_RWave_Inv.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_RWaveUp.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_RWaveUp_Inv.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_Hole_Roof_.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Village_House_Hole_Side.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_PSlope.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_PSlope_Straight.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_PWave.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_PWave_Inv.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_WheelBarrow.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_Turn1.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_Turn1_RSlope.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_Turn3_Flat.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_Turn3_RSlope.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_House_Flat_Straight.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Tent.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Tent2.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_TriangleRoof_.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_Well.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_WellLarge.Item.gbx Yorsh
Village_WellLarge_Roof_.Item.gbx Yorsh
 65 / 65 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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