This is the second out of five maps that I build for my planned but eventually scrapped campaign. Even though it is labeled "02" and I planned it being the second map in the campaign, I think it was the third or even fourth map I build for that purpose. When building the five maps, I knew I wanted a dirt map as the second map of the campaign... don't know why, I just did.
However, dirt is not really my gusto, so I build other styles before this one, thinking that I would eventually find the motivation to build it.
The result is rather rough, but don't think I would not be aware of this: The very first upward dirt turn is built in such a way that there are very suboptimal ways to approach it. When I had planned to build a campaign of 25 maps, I always thought people should "learn" something when going through them, so I wanted to include some trickier parts in my maps as well.
I think the map overall is rather bad, but it has its charm because of the halfpipe just before the end.