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 slide arena

by  skachacha  |  0
AT   00:43.005 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  45609 
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Judging from what I've seen, not a lot of people like plastic, but I think it's steadily growing on me as my favourite surface in the whole game to drive. Also the yellow colour might be a little blinding for some drivers but I can't resist its vibrancy! Slide through the slippery turns of this 90% plastic course.

Pro tip: send it.
 Embedded objects8 Objects
Object IX? Object author
SculpSuspend1.Item.Gbx Entity
SculpSuspend2.Item.Gbx Entity
bumproaddark.Block.Gbx Heasto
GlassWallX4.Block.Gbx Leores
Coincoin L.Item.Gbx Jak-Jak
TM2_Castle.Item.Gbx kaquaoify
TM2_CurveCastle.Item.Gbx kaquaoify
TM2_HighCastle.Item.Gbx kaquaoify
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