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 We Were Here

by  Tuta  |  12
It's a start
AT   00:37.379 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Advanced 
ID  454 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   00:36.960  Dam_El_Pouleto 12 (100%)
2nd   00:56.815   Airwam 9.6 (80%)
3rd   01:07.547  SkiFreak 7.8 (65%)
 Author Comments
Hello TMX! Finally, we are here! (l)

This is just a quick track I built to get the hang of the new game, still need some more practice with all those cool platform blocks though!

:award: :award: :award: Enjoy! :award: :award: :award:

Edit: Updated to remove a cut
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