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 How To HyperAccelerate Your Desert Car

by  TheRedstoneRobo...  |  0
AT   00:19.464 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  202931 
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I found a bug and made a map that uses it, I don't think I was the first to discover it, but I did discover it myself.
 Embedded objects19 Objects
Object IX? Object author
LargeLetters_A.Item.gbx Yorsh-Mi-Veloce
LargeLetters_E.Item.gbx Yorsh-Mi-Veloce
LargeLetters_F.Item.gbx Yorsh-Mi-Veloce
LargeLetters_I.Item.gbx Yorsh-Mi-Veloce
LargeLetters_N.Item.gbx Yorsh-Mi-Veloce
LargeLetters_O.Item.gbx Yorsh-Mi-Veloce
LargeLetters_R.Item.gbx Yorsh-Mi-Veloce
LargeLetters_T.Item.gbx Yorsh-Mi-Veloce
LargeLetters_X.Item.gbx Yorsh-Mi-Veloce
GlassSmallWall.Block.Gbx nGFjmdrdTlejR4VtKocW1A
PlatformGlassBaseFlip.Block.Gbx nGFjmdrdTlejR4VtKocW1A
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MagnetStart.Item.Gbx Entity
MyPlateformMagnetQuartRing1.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetSlopeBase.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetTurbo2.Item.Gbx Entity
GrassRemover.Block.Gbx Zai
GateSpecial32mNoGrip.Item.Gbx plantathon
One_Arrow_Yellow.Item.gbx Mr.Nugu
 16 / 19 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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