Hello one and all to my first TM 2020 track! Yeah this was slower than i'd hope to get it done by, but there have been a few problems in this rush of a release, and some things of the map cant be added until later until they fix certain things such as the Outro triggers, Intro issues and other things. but for now, I hope you can enjoy this new track i present to you tonight, the Emerald Rush!
AuthorTime - 0:46.40
MT Intro/Ingame/Podium/Outro - Yes/Yes/No/No until they fix it.
Custom Music? -
Yes (located, but linked incase it oesnt work)
"妖怪の山 ~ Mysterious Mountain" Arrange by xi-on
Hope you all enjoy the new map and I hope to update this once more bugs are squashed and I can properly give this the treatment it deserves MT wise, but for now I hope you can enjoy it all the same!