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by  futurecat  |  0
It's a start
AT   11:01.507 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  1323 
  Tech Mixed Trial    
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|Project: ADIS|
Hello, this is Project: All Done In Starter, like the name is saying, made in simple editor of starter acess...
Since Starter Acess is very limited, i basically did a monster track :p
i dunno when i'll gonna have standard or club (club probably), so... im sad boi
Author time is 11:01:00 but 10:30:00 might be possible.
Since i don't have acess to signs, sorry, there is parts of the track that need to slow down, jump to a certain place, etc... :(
There is parts of the map that i couldn't change (delete), for some reason didn't let me, for examples: the part when you it below a ramp and land on the road; passing below a dirt ramp and jump to dirt; jumping to a ramp to go to ground level for the first time; etc... every example has ramps, so, in conclusion, some of the ramps couldn't delete.
I discovered some things: normally you can't delete the wood below the track, undo and redo, play a solo map and test the track (why testing the track is not possible :/), but since im big brain i did things.
I dunno if i will update this track but it's kinda big, so no need to...
Please enjoy the map, it was made with love and care.
EDIT: I did a run on it and... yes 10:30:00 is possible, my best run was 10:27.278 so try to beat it :)


hylis, pls gimme club
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Project: ADIS Collection  futurecat 6