The account activation email a is missing a space:
... says:
Hello JRMBelgium,
Thank you for registering at Mania Exchange. To complete the registration process, go to the following address here and enter the code below.
When the user doubleclicks in order to copy the code, it will select "CodeWAXAYWDHZATZQCE" and not "WAXAYWDHZATZQCE" because a space is missing. This will result in users getting an error when they try to imput their activation code.
The account information email is missing a space:
... says:
Hello JRMBelgium,
Thank you for registering at Mania Exchange. The following information should be kept somewhere safe for reference!
I think it would look better if you showed:
... says:
Username: JRMBelgiumTwitch