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Track of the Day Frustration
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Track of the Day Frustration  
I am currently playing the 2020 fall campaign (I got summer 2020 White to Red all Gold medal (leave out Black for now) to basically get some training and improve and played a little bit TOTD 2020 but there were a lot of tracks that either had speed checks or unclear routes and could not finish them at all and got very few gold medals overall.

Which brings me to the source of my frustration:
TOTD lack a rating from white to black to determine the overall difficulty!
This is a rant/whine post with a little game change suggestion mixed in.............
I can understand your frustration. I often feel the same way. I've talked to a friend about this many times, and we've now come to the conclusion that TOTD should be considered its own "genre". Something like FS, Tech, RPG, etc.

And the color thing. I always try to find a way to choose the "right" color for the map, but not every mapper does that. Often the colors are just used as a design option.

I personally don't always like the TOTD maps either, as I'm more of an oldschool tech / FS fan. That's why I don't approach the maps too doggedly anymore. If I like a map, I try to get a good medal, but if I don't like the map that much, it doesn't bother me anymore if I only get bronze or something.

The main thing is that you enjoy the game ;)
Last edited by InvaderZim,

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