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First RPG uploaded - feedback appriciated
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First RPG uploaded - feedback appriciated  

I recently created and uploaded an RPG/Trial map (not too hard) and I would love to have feedback on it :)

It's roughly 5min long for an experienced player (validated in 6min .. I'm not good).

[Bad Track/Map Link] raw link if map-link broken

Part of the map may feel like a maze. If you happen to be stuck, please read bottom line of map description for help.

Things I don't know how to do but would love to get help (either if you know good tutorial or want to do it) :
- intro/outro cinematic
- custom lights (torchs) to fit with theme
- custom CPs for theme and user friendliness (numbers)
- remove stadium (I know I could have started from an existing template, but now that it's done, how to do?)
- custom intel/direction pannels
- music

Things I know I should do but haven't taken time to do yet
- maybe allow my few custom block to have different floor (so I can put boosts in them?) I guess I could just remove floow and add standard platforms since it's same height
- change the ending, I want to go through an Egyptian like city then finish in sunset between hills

Any constructive comment is welcome :)
Last edited by voblivion,
Update :
- fixed some lighting issues making it easier to see where to go
- validated in more reasonnable time (6min)

Also :
I would love to create new lights (torches) specially for that map but I couldn't find any tutorial on that =/ same for CPs that I would like to fit more with the theme.
I don't know why but I can't see your map :(
Your link sends me back to the main page of the website, and when I click your profil and try to "view" your 1 map I got the following message: "There are currently no tracks to show."
Are you sure it's not currently hidden ?

Location: FR
Oh thanks ! I didn't realize but I clicked on "Hide". That's why the map preview was broken but I could still access it (since it's my map...).
Glad I could help !
Now regarding the map :
I reached the end after 26 minutes, and it seems I missed one or more CP x) But I suck at RPG so don't take this as an meaningful example.
I did not looked carefully for tips, this could have helped.
What I've seen a few times is using a counter on each CP to show if you take the CPs in the order, or if you missed one (like I did). It's up to you though ^^
What is really missing is a forced cam 3 on the wallride at the very beginning. It's easy to do it with media tracker. I did not see other parts needing a custom cam but I obviously missed a few things in your map.

Overall the labyrinth aspect is frustrating, but it really match the theme ! Nice map (y)

Location: FR

- 26min : ye don't worry .. even knowing the map, my first attempt at validating was like 18min :s
- Missed a CP ? wow .. didn't know that was possible .. they are placed in a way that shouldn't allow it x) would be curious to know which !
- Yes I'll definitely try to add these numbers. Have seen it on other maps, that's a good idea indeed (thought it wasn't much necessary because I didn't realize there was multiple ways); apparently I was wrong (:
- oh .. forced cam 3 ye .. because I mapped it I know when to switch manually, but I could do it on both wall rides indeed (the one at beginning and the one before last jump).
- ye I know the labyrinth is a perfect match for the theme but annoys some players. That's why -I don't know if you saw- I simplified it a lot (compared to previous versions) by adding lights at each intersection. There's always 1 in the middle and 1 on the side you need to go; did you realize it or did you just solve the labyrinth by trial and error ? also at some point I force players to do a big loop they can avoid with the lights; if you know the path there's quicker, but I didn't want to give away the shortest path too easily ^^
I did not completely solve the lights puzzle but I thing I would have if I had spent some time on it. Instead, I explored the paths with cam 7 and took the one with which I could find a CP. That's how I found the big wallride you're taking about and found the more direct path with the lights :p
Unfortunately as I did not finish the map I don't have the replay to show you my path :/
I'll probably give it another try now that you explained it to me, and try to see where I went wrong.

Location: FR
Oh boi .. in cam7 must have been a mess :d I know now which CP you skipped; the one and only "circle CP". Before reaching last CP you have to go straight to land in a circular CP, then do the final wallride. I'll change it with some appropriate boosters so that I can remove that circle CP (bad CPs anyway since you can't respawn) but are forced to do the wallride.
Last edited by voblivion,
I remember passing by this ring CP during my cam 7 exploration, yeah it's probably the one I missed ! Feel free to PM me when the map is updated, I'll give it another shot :d

Location: FR
Updated the map with custom CPs (both for theme and to add numbers so you don't get lost ;)). Also made it slightly harder by removing a CP and pushing an helping beam forward between CP 3 and 4.
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