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How can I create a server in the new Trackmania 2020?
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How can I create a server in the new Trackmania 2020?  
Hi, people!

I cant find any thread in this forum about this simple and natural question: how to create a server in this new game.
Perhaps this question seems a little stupid but this new Nadeo game is pretty messy and nothing is actually clear. We, the players with access version, can create clubs and in there upload skins, tracks and change other things, but there aren´t much explanations about what to do next.
In my two created clubs there are dozens of tracks but I cant find the clubs in the "Live" section. Why are there soooooo many servers in "Live" when it seems that the clubs are for using them as individual gameplay? I cant understand anything jajaja

Anyway, I hope in the future Nadeo will make several changes because many things are unclear and messy.
Currently, you can make a server by making a new "Room" in your club. That acts as a multiplayer server hosted by Nadeo (unless you choose to host a dedicated server yourself). Either way, I'm pretty sure it's as easy as making a Room.
MTC Host
There's a step-by-step guide how to set up a dedicated server on the Trackmania forums:
Oooooh, thank you so much!
Now I´ve made everything of that guide and I have a current room, but when I try to play in appears a notice which says that I´m offline but... I playing the game, I have everything online and I don´t know how to get the room "online". Any idea?
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