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How to restore a map to use wood pillars
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How to restore a map to use wood pillars  
With the recent Desert car update to TM2020, DecoWalls (aka pillars) for multiple platform blocks were changed, to give more variety to maps. And they're awesome!!!

Of course old maps kept their original wood pillars, as long as they're not opened in the editor.

But what if you have a work-in-progress map and need to keep the original wood pillars? Or what if you simply want to make a new map that has the old wood pillar look to it?

Editor++ to the rescue!

If you install the latest version, you can load into your map using wood pillars, instead of the new pillars.

1. Install the latest version of Editor++ through the plugin manager in OpenPlanet.
2. While still in the main menu of the game... in the OpenPlanet menu (F3), go to Plugins -> Editor++ -> Enable "Load maps with old pillars"

3. Open your map in the editor.
4. If there are still some pillars that aren't converted back to wood, use the additional dialog that appears, "Skins nullified: Save and reload map". Click "Save and Reload".
5. The map will save itself and reload in the editor.
6. All blocks that have old wood pillar variants will return to using wood variants. And new blocks you place will also be placed with wood variants. Note that it doesn't affect the new deco cliff blocks that only have the new variants.

Thanks to XertroV for this update to Editor++. Happy mapping!
Last edited by eyebo,
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