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 GA2022FE - Zora's Domain

by  Navi.wp +1 |  10
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AT   00:59.627 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Advanced 
ID  54625 
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 Navi.wp — 2nd Half + Scenery
 Kyrill — First Half
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# Record User Score Date
1st   01:00.007  Seliaste 10 (100%)
 Author Comments

Here's a duo map w/Kyrill !

Good luck have fun boys !

Fixes: Start Bump that players wasn't able to avoid.
Entry cam first TO for players having the wrong line.
Added the GPS.
 Embedded objects29 Objects
Object IX? Object author
PlatformHalfRamp625CM.Block.Gbx OsqkmsHkSACI76a-gAuyuw
PlatformRamp1M.Block.Gbx OsqkmsHkSACI76a-gAuyuw
PlatformRamp625CM.Block.Gbx OsqkmsHkSACI76a-gAuyuw
PlatformMagnetBiSlope2Start.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformMagnetBiSlope2End.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformMagnetBiSlope2Start.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformTechSlope2Start2x1.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformTechBiSlopeToSlope2Straight.Item.Gbx eyebo
TrackWallArch1x4SideTopCurve2Left.Item.Gbx oH8Bza-wQjCcE4aMHt4oow
TrackWallArch1x4SideTopCurve2Right.Item.Gbx oH8Bza-wQjCcE4aMHt4oow
RoadBumpBorderlessTiltTransitionDecoWallStart.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
LongRampPlat3.Item.Gbx Entity
Pole_Cover_Platform_Flat.Item.Gbx _firestorrm
Pole_Cover_Platform_Tilted.Item.Gbx _firestorrm
Block9.Block.Gbx BxTQtKOVT6mFhd65c6m6og
PlatformMagnetBiSlope3End.Item.Gbx BxTQtKOVT6mFhd65c6m6og
CP-stripe.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
MiniFlatGrass.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
MiniFlatTech.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
M2_PlatformTechToDecoWall.Block.Gbx SHIFT_Doomer.BE
RampBanked625L.Item.Gbx Rxelux
PlatformFlatToBankedT2R.Item.Gbx Rxelux
RampBanked625L.Item.Gbx Rxelux
Ramp1k.Item.Gbx Rxelux
Ramp625.Item.Gbx Rxelux
SlopeLoopStart.Item.Gbx BLUTIG
wallRideEntrySmoothener3Left.Item.Gbx flashtube
wallrideEntrySmoothener2Right.Item.Gbx flashtube
MiddleWaterfallWall.Item.Gbx Leores
 25 / 29 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange