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 In the Middle of Nothing

by  JaMOX  |  0
AT   00:31.392 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  42898 
  Dirt Tech Grass    
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Buildt for the SBVille Weekly Mapping Competition (wich is taking part every 2 weeks).
Theme: Autoslide Tech

Youtube Video soon!

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCK_lS14z0DSCeegVxVO14A
 Embedded objects23 Objects
Object IX? Object author
MagnetRampOut1x4.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetPlateform.Item.Gbx Entity
Sign-Arrow-$00fBlue.Item.Gbx Mekh
Sign-Arrow-$0ffCyan.Item.Gbx Mekh
Sign-Arrow-$f00Red.Item.Gbx Mekh
Sign-Arrow-$ff0Yellow.Item.Gbx Mekh
RoadMagnetV2ToWallRightStrong.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
CP-stripe.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
GrassRemoverBeta01.Block.Gbx SchurkSmurf
Cloud1_White_X1.Item.Gbx Mr.Nugu
Cloud2_White_X1.Item.Gbx Mr.Nugu
Cloud3_White.Item.Gbx Mr.Nugu
Cloud4_White_X1.Item.Gbx Mr.Nugu
Cloud5_White.Item.Gbx Mr.Nugu
Cloud5_White_X1.Item.Gbx Mr.Nugu
Cloud5_White_X2.Item.Gbx Mr.Nugu
BallonFin.Item.Gbx 3LO5thmeTiC0kDvfNdtkbw
DirtRoadStraight.Block.Gbx 3LO5thmeTiC0kDvfNdtkbw
GrassRoadStraight.Block.Gbx 3LO5thmeTiC0kDvfNdtkbw
Bigingfin.Block.Gbx 3LO5thmeTiC0kDvfNdtkbw
GrasstoBlackSurface.Block.Gbx 3LO5thmeTiC0kDvfNdtkbw
StretchedCPRing.Block.Gbx 3LO5thmeTiC0kDvfNdtkbw
GPSLabelGreen.Item.Gbx mariejuku
 17 / 23 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
 Included in mappacks