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 Four Seasons-ez

by  AirMoons  |  10
AT   00:51.678 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Advanced 
ID  24143 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   00:52.298  AirMoons 10 (100%)
 Author Comments
Four seasons for four environments : Tarmac for Fall, Ice for Winter, Grass for Spring and Dirt for Summer.

This is an easier version of the original Four Seasons Map, with an easier ice/grass transition.

Again, the key is not not loose grip and not loose gear during the transitions. ;)

 Embedded objects25 Objects
Object IX? Object author
cottage chimney 1.Item.Gbx Taccnien
cottage chimney smoke 1.Item.Gbx Taccnien
cottage house 1.Item.Gbx Taccnien
cottage house 2.Item.Gbx Taccnien
MH-Floor2.Gbx.Item.Gbx r_teroor
MH-RDC1.Gbx.Item.Gbx r_teroor
MH-RDC2.Gbx.Item.Gbx r_teroor
MH-Top2.Gbx.Item.Gbx r_teroor
MW-1.Gbx.Item.Gbx r_teroor
MW-Door.Gbx.Item.Gbx r_teroor
MW-turn1.Gbx.Item.Gbx r_teroor
roadsignlefttoright.Item.Gbx depehu
roadsignrightright.Item.Gbx depehu
roadsignrighttoleft.Item.Gbx depehu
roadsignrightx2.Item.Gbx depehu
sign_exclamation.Item.Gbx depehu
SnowBlob.Item.Gbx Yorsh
winterhouse_Hole.Item.Gbx Yorsh
winterhouse1_Wood.Item.Gbx Yorsh
winterhouse2_Wood.Item.Gbx Yorsh
winterhouse2_Wood2.Item.Gbx Yorsh
winterhouse3_Wood.Item.Gbx Yorsh
winterhouse4_Wood.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Supporter_Watch_M_00.Item.gbx Yorsh
Supporter_Climbing_M_00.Item.gbx Yorsh
 25 / 25 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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