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 The Three Gardens

by  Richoshil  |  0
AT   00:46.693 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Advanced 
ID  199557 
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 Author Comments
3 laps, 3 routes, 3 environments, 1 start/finish line.
A very tricky transitional map with aspects of tech, bobsleigh, snow and grass.
 Embedded objects8 Objects
Object IX? Object author
SlopeStraight.Item.Gbx Helzinka
SlopeTurn.Item.Gbx Helzinka
SlopTurn2.Item.Gbx Helzinka
FlatCheckpointOpt1.Item.Gbx akPfIM0aSzuHuaaDWptBbQ
PlatformToRoadBorders.Item.Gbx slowpiou
HtimH_Rock02.item.gbx htimh1
HtimH_Rock05.item.gbx htimh1
something new.Item.Gbx IuATg0G0SlOK6pmtaR462Q
 6 / 8 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
 Included in mappacks
Name Creator Tracks Etc
Unbeaten ATs Season 2  Satamari 2741