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 Riding The Plastic Dragon (mtc)

by   pjw  |  13
Featured on TMX
MTC 1st Place
It's a start
Open to feedback
AT   00:52.698 |  Stadium / CarSnow   |   Advanced 
ID  169208 
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
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 Offline records Vehicle: CarSnow
# Record User Score Date
1st   00:49.480  alvinulv 13 (100%)
2nd   00:56.747  Arkive86 10.4 (80%)
 Author Comments
This map was created for the April 2024 MTC (monthly track contest). The theme (Fools of April) encouraged participants to "make something funny".

I'm not sure how many actual lols this will get...it perhaps leans a bit more toward the other meaning of funny ("difficult to explain or understand; strange or odd"), but I hope the very different sort of driving will produce some enjoyment regardless. :)

As always, any feedback is appreciated, and replays are especially cool.

Thanks for the custom items to squiki, iNDEX, Entity, SchurkSmurf, and flashtube--the track is better than it would have been without your talent and creativity!

 Embedded objects8 Objects
Object IX? Object author
Window_32x32m_doublewindow_single_L.Item.Gbx iNDEX
PlatformTechLoopStart_Triangle_Left_Plastic_1x.Item.Gbx flashtube
PlatformTechLoopStart_Triangle_Right_Plastic1x.Item.Gbx flashtube
XlLargeRingCP101Beta.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
tss_2_way_corner.Item.gbx squiki
tss_straight_long.Item.gbx squiki
tss_straight_medium.Item.gbx squiki
MySuperMultiLapLarge.Item.Gbx Entity
 8 / 8 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
 Included in mappacks
 Track Feature

Winner of the April 2024 MTC, the lines on this map are weird but surprisingly driveable. It's perfect if you want a break from more traditional maps!

Feature time: -  Arkive86