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 shart 24

by  pmuls  |  10
AT   00:22.342 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Beginner 
ID  161267 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   00:22.062  SkyLinerAka 10 (100%)
 Author Comments
Now here our ways part, my new-found friend. You've got this all back arsewards : Wood is the prettiest, cleanest, springiest, most easily worked, loveliest smelling, downright friendliest and most versatile material you can ever have the pleasure to work. If it can't be made of wood, you probably don't need it. Except computers, and woodworking tools, and bicycles and... well you know what I mean. Wood is an excellent all-round material once you get to know your way around it. Sure, you must learn to judge each piece of wood individually to use it right and so save yourself a lot of sweat & bother - but the same goes for women and we love women don't we ? so there. OK, so wood might rot under wrong conditions, but so do we and that's never stopped anyone from making babies ? For me, it's not so much that I dislike plastics & steel (I can just ignore that they are SATAN'S OWN MATERIALS), I just don't know how to work it. I can sharpen my tools and that's it. And, really : steel is just too hard. Admit it ! Steel. Is. Too. HARD.
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Object IX? Object author
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