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 Wide Eyed Stupid

by  velv  |  11
Featured on TMX
AT   04:18.360 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Expert 
ID  100326 
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Title Channel By
Wide eyed stupid - Trackmania NoshyEU  NoshyEu
Trackmania Map Review Vol.5 Phil TM  Phil TM
HARDEST TrackMania 2020 DIRT map?? v3lv  velv
Top 10 BEST Trackmania maps in April 2023 Lemming TV  Lemming
Top 10 BEST Trackmania maps in April 2023 (No commentary) Lemming TV  Lemming
 Offline records
# Record User Score Date
1st   04:37.718  SkiFreak 11 (100%)
2nd   06:07.510   agrabou.wp 8.8 (80%)
 Author Comments
Here is a map I made because I really felt like making a long dirt map one day.

My restrictions was to keep the profile low in height and keep the sections from going over/under each other to not make a big spaghetti mess. The goal was to fill the whole stadium with unforgiving, but hopefully not boring dirt.
It is not respawnable.

I hope getting a clean run is a nice and not too annoying challenge. Some of the lines might be unintuitive, but they flow nicely when you learn how to drive them. I pray for no gear issues since I am not the fastest of drivers and usually miss some of the fastest lines.

Good luck and have fun!

And no, I don't think this is the hardest dirt map. It's just clickbait :)

21/4: It makes me really happy that so many people like the map! This is my most awarded solo project by now, and it's really cool to see a map like this get some attention. And bozbez even got the AT! Hope the hunt was enjoyable :d People doing good times on a map Ive made always gives me a great feeling :heart:
 Embedded objects46 Objects
Object IX? Object author
DarkPlatformRamp625CM.Block.Gbx OsqkmsHkSACI76a-gAuyuw
PlatformHalfRamp625CM.Block.Gbx OsqkmsHkSACI76a-gAuyuw
PlatformRamp2M.Block.Gbx OsqkmsHkSACI76a-gAuyuw
ssb_slope_base_2.Item.gbx squikeay
fabric_ramp_corner_1X1_out.Item.Gbx squiki
fabric_ramp_corner_2X2_in.Item.Gbx squiki
fabric_ramp_corner_2X2_out.Item.Gbx squiki
fabric_ramp_straight.Item.Gbx squiki
V_RD_Tur_Flat_BiS_Down1_Left2_Size2.Item.gbx Juice
V_RD_Tur_Flat_BiS_Down1_Right2_Size2.Item.gbx Juice
W_PD_Tur_Flat_BLeft_Up2_Left1_Size1.Item.gbx Juice
GroundBlack.Block.Gbx eyebo
RoadShimDirtSlopeQuarter.Item.Gbx Rexasaurus
FlatCheckpoint_deep.Item.Gbx N4AIeHDuRp-_bhaGMaXBMw
DirtBR2_velv_correction.Item.Gbx N4AIeHDuRp-_bhaGMaXBMw
DirtBS_velv_correction.Item.Gbx N4AIeHDuRp-_bhaGMaXBMw
DirtBS_velv_splitroadturn_variation.Item.Gbx N4AIeHDuRp-_bhaGMaXBMw
DirtTL_velv_correction.Item.Gbx N4AIeHDuRp-_bhaGMaXBMw
DirtTR_velv_correction.Item.Gbx N4AIeHDuRp-_bhaGMaXBMw
Kek.Item.Gbx N4AIeHDuRp-_bhaGMaXBMw
DirtTS_velv_correction.Item.Gbx N4AIeHDuRp-_bhaGMaXBMw
DirtSlopeTurnLHigh.Item.Gbx N4AIeHDuRp-_bhaGMaXBMw
RoadDiagLeftToDirtStraight_FULL_DIRT.Item.Gbx N4AIeHDuRp-_bhaGMaXBMw
2X2TurnFlatR.Item.Gbx N4AIeHDuRp-_bhaGMaXBMw
RoadTechToDirtLong_to_dirt.Item.Gbx N4AIeHDuRp-_bhaGMaXBMw
Diag_dirt_clip1.Item.Gbx N4AIeHDuRp-_bhaGMaXBMw
AU-CrewmateDeadOrange.Item.Gbx Mekh
AU-CrewmateRed.Item.Gbx Mekh
2-6-1_TM2_RoadDirtToRoadHalfA.Block.Gbx eFFecT
6-1-1-2_TM2_RoadToDirtHalf.Block.Gbx eFFecT
RoadDirtDiagLeftStartSlopeBase2x1_a.Item.Gbx slowpiou
RoadDirtDiagLeftStraightSlopeBase2x1.Item.Gbx slowpiou
DirtClipSlopeUp.Item.Gbx slowpiou
GroundRemover.Block.Gbx slowpiou
RoadDirtToRoadTechSlopeBase2x1Down.Item.Gbx slowpiou
RoadTechToRoadDirtSlopeEnd.Item.Gbx slowpiou
Ramp625Half.Item.Gbx Rxelux
DirtSlopeTurnRHigh.Item.Gbx Rxelux
WoodSlopeUp2In2.Item.Gbx Rxelux
bumpdirtdark.Block.Gbx Heasto
bumproaddark.Block.Gbx Heasto
Pole_Cover_Platform_Flat.Item.Gbx 2tuvKOe1Qpu_N4yMFBn89A
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Pole_Cover_Road_Tilted_Single.Item.Gbx 2tuvKOe1Qpu_N4yMFBn89A
 28 / 46 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
 Track Feature

One of the best endurance maps out there

Feature time: -  Rexasaurus