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by  Scorchius  |  0
AT   00:41.575 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  97421 
  Water Grass Reactor    
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This map was created for the Alamo Event that occurs every Thursday, 1 hour after cup of the night. Good luck and enjoy!
 Embedded objects3 Objects
Object IX? Object author
Plastic-RoadTechCurve2.Block.Gbx vcCC7OXKRkSyDS6x5ckZFA
Plastic-RoadTechStraight.Block.Gbx vcCC7OXKRkSyDS6x5ckZFA
Cartman_Waving.Item.Gbx bandit_08
 1 / 3 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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Alamo Cup Maps  Alamo Cup 255