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 USA - West Lafayette, Indiana

by  Rabbi  |  14
It's a start
AT   00:50.960 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Beginner 
ID  73571 
  Transitional Dirt    
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# Record User Score Date
1st   00:50.678  tmKiro 14 (100%)
2nd   00:54.407   Jesus3000 11.2 (80%)
3rd   00:55.508   eyebo 9.1 (65%)
 Author Comments
West Lafayette, Indiana is a 4th/5th gear, Karlberg/ Intax dirt map, with a focus on clean transitions and speed slides. Mapped for the USA campaign fall 2022.

WL starts off in the 4th gear with 2 karlberg turns, followed by a gear up to 5th which you hold over a high speed karlberg turn and for the rest of the track the focus becomes smooth transitions, holding speed, and good speed sliding. There are many tricks to this map, and seeing them all hunted will be great! Thanks! AT could have been a little more challenging, but I had a fun time grinding it.

I had something I wanted to do in mind, but then I just started placing blocks and getting carried away. I def spammed hills and trees pls dont make a reddit post about me. The scenery goal was to recreate the midwest pre-fall vibe that I always loved.

I spent my childhood living in Indiana, and I remember this time quite fondly. I loved the vivid grass and dirt, and actual seasons when compared to Texas. Hopefully the flora and water features help sell you on the beauty of middle america.

Route Mapping Time: 3hr
Scenery Building Time: 12h
Scenery Style: Vanilla Nadeo
Mood: Morning
Background: Stadium
Display Cost: 25k
Author Time Hunt: 4hr

Huge shootout to the Intax guy, I ripped some of his ideas and transitions. This map couldnt be made without him and is heavily inspired by his maps. Thanks for all your help and maps! Thanks Alx, Kali, and Agrabou for being nice and cool.
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