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by  Karlukki  |  0
It's a start
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AT   00:30.540 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  34616 
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A full Cruise Control map.

- 450+ speed entire track
- A lot of magnet transitions
- Tilted platforms
- Fun to drive

It attempts to prove that this block can and should be used in tracks more often.

That said, I think cruise control does decrease the overall skill gap: a skilled player cannot gain more speed than what the car is locked at by using techniques like sd's. The diferrence is gonna be made mostly by taking shorter lines.
In this map cruise control let me reuse the same tilted platform block for every turn. Without it you would gain too much speed and driving on these would become uncontrollable.
 Embedded objects13 Objects
Object IX? Object author
MyMagnetTilt2DownLeft.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetTilt2DownRight.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetTilt2UpLeft.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetTilt2UpRight.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetPlateformSlope.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetSlopeEnd.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetSlopeUbottom.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetSlopeUtop.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetDiag1.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetPlateform.Item.Gbx Entity
CP-stripe-autorotate.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
CP-stripe-x2-autorotate.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
big cruise real.Gbx.Block.Gbx t5IlapErRhyfjWYqBAoVzg
 12 / 13 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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